To connect with ZOHO contact your administrator to enable this function.
You must access into Zoho, go to the Telephony channel configuration and enable the “VOZ Manager” extension in the market.
Then proceed to activate it following the next steps:
1. Access the vPBX administration panel.
2. In the panel, access to the Integrations section to enable the ZOHO integration.
3. When you click on enable, you will be redirected to the activation window. In this window you must select the region of your ZOHO instance (by default you will select Europe) and then click on the "Verification link". ATTENTION: do not close the integration activation window, you will have to return to this window later.
4. When you click on the link, the ZOHO authorization window will open in a separate tab. You can check how the path of this window is inside the zoho domain.
5. Once authorized in ZOHO, you must return to the Integration Activation window and click on "Complete activation".
6. If everything went well, you will be redirected to the integration configuration window. Here you should configure the relationship between the ZOHO users and the vPBX extensions, so that we can know with which extension each user works.
7. The integration is now configured. You may need to refresh the ZOHO window for it to work correctly.